Page 17 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 17

tion—itself nothing more than a deception—exploit this lack of
            knowledge and make little reference to these organisms' complex
            features. They sometimes ignore the exceedingly intelligent tasks
            performed by bacteria, and feel no need to account for the pre-
            meditated way that a virus invades the human body.
                 In this book, we shall be examining how the inhabitants of
            the microworld reflect the superior intelligence, artistry and

            might in Allah's Creation, providing striking examples of the im-
            passe faced by the proponents of evolution who seek to account
            for living things in terms of unconscious coincidences.

            Half a hectare of farm soil contains approximately several tons of bacteria
            and 1 ton (2,204.6 pounds) of fungi, 100 kilograms (220.4 pounds) of sin-
            gle-celled protozoan animals, some 50 kilos (110.2 pounds) of yeast and a
            similar quantity of algae. Each of these organisms is of great benefit to
            the soil in which it lives.

                                                                                     HARUN YAHYA

                                                                                     (ADNAN OKTAR)
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