Page 21 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 21
Cell wall
Plasma membrane
The single cell of a bacterium pos-
sesses a nucleus and free-foating
DNA.. Its cell membrane and riboso-
mes are exceedingly complex.
ing photosynthesis, while others acquire energy by breaking down
organic substances. Bacteria are generally assumed to be identical
to one another, but when examined, they can be seen to actually
consist of very different species.
Bacteria are known as prokaryotes in the living world. Their sin-
gle cells contain a nucleus and free-ranging data banks of DNA. In
their rather complex structures, these creatures possess a cell mem-
brane and ribosomes. As you shall later see in detail, the majority of
the vital functions of the living things on Earth depend, on the ef-
fects of these prokaryotic cells.
Bacteria possess two cell covers. Above the inner cell mem- HARUN YAHYA
brane is a cell wall consisting of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In
addition to their cell wall, some bacteria also have a protective cap-
sule consisting of sugar molecules. The reason for these special cov-
erings around the cell is to protect the bacterium from outside influ- (ADNAN OKTAR)
ences. The task of protecting a human being, undertaken by our