Page 57 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 57
modern-day technology, must have been created as a whole. Not
just the system that makes photosynthesis, but the Sun ideally suit-
ed to it and the atmospheric environment was also created as a
whole, with the same superior knowledge and intellect.
The explanations made by the proponents of the theory of ev-
olution regarding this mechanism are exceedingly illogical, often ri-
diculous. According to evolutionist claims, primitive bacteria in the
primitive environment began using up the foodstuffs around and
suddenly, somehow began to produce their own food. Billions of
years ago, an imaginary bacterium, discovered how to obtain food
from the Sun via a mechanism that mankind has been unable to do
even with the advantage of 21st century technology. This most tal-
ented bacterium established the basis of photosynthesis, and by al-
legedly evolving in some manner, produced plants that mde possi-
ble the free oxygen and foodstuffs on Earth. Thanks to this fortui-
tous discovery, the wide range of other species assumed their pre-
sent forms. The fact is that a single cell possessing a system capable
of providing such basic needs as food and oxygen essential for hu-
man life, the development of countless chemical processes inside it
and its being a part of the ecological balance can never be explained
in terms of chance and unconscious events. Allah has specially cre-
ated these living things to carry out this important process. Bacteria
prove the existence of a superior power that created them to be
flawless, in other words of Allah. The superior intellect and artistry HARUN YAHYA
of Allah are manifested in the functions they fulfill. All these, of
course, are just a few of the examples that show the impasse facing
the theory of evolution, how it is entirely based on false evidence,
as well as the absolute existence of Allah. (ADNAN OKTAR)