Page 60 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 60

have been performing chemical reactions that may not mean very
                  much to those not closely involved with chemistry. The resolution
                  of the nitrogen fixing reaction summarized below in chemical terms
                  represented a major success for scientists:
                       N2 + 8H+ + 8e- + 16 ATP = 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16 Pi
                       But for this reaction to take place, there needs to be a second
                  support reaction like photosynthesis, respiration or fermentation.

                  These formulae, so baffling to most people, are ordinary everyday
                  work for bacteria. Of course they have undergone no specialized
                  chemical training in order to carry out these chemical processes.
                  Every new bacterium that enters the world is equipped with
                  knowledge and materials that could only belong to a specially
                  trained chemist. In addition, these processes are not limited to bac-
                  teria in plant roots. Despite being found in very different places and

                  having very different structures, nitrobacteria, beijerinckia, klebsi-
                  ella, cyanobacteria, clostridium, desulfovibrio, purple sulphur bac-
                  teria, non-purple sulphur bacteria, green sulphur bacteria, rhizobi-
                  um frankia, azospirillum and a great many more carry out the same
                  reaction, with the same data and programming, in a prefect man-
                  ner. Furthermore, with the different systems and reactions inside
                  them, these bacteria exhibit structures that are not simple at all.
                       For example, the nitrogenase enzyme complex that bacteria
         THE MICROWORLD MIRACLE  enter into reactions with iron compounds. This represents no prob-
                  use during this process is exceptionally sensitive to oxygen. When
                  deprived of oxygen, it stops its activity, for which reason proteins

                  lem for anaerobic bacteria, which are capable of living without ox-
                  ygen, but a major hurdle for bacteria such as cyanobacteria that
                  produce oxygen by photosynthesis. and azotobacter that live freely

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