Page 55 - The Microworld Miracle
P. 55

nated way. For example, in photosystem I, which evolutionists
            maintain to have evolved first, reaction centers and antennae were
            brought together to catch the rays from the Sun. Photosystem I had
            been regulated to trap only a particular wavelength of light.
            Stimulated by photons with a wavelength of 700 millimicrons, the

            antennae contain trapping chlorophyll molecules known as K1 a1.
            To support these antennae, there are also assistant pigments such as
                 Moreover, photosystem I is a joint activity, performed by an
            electron chain ready to transfer the trapped energy, a kind of pow-

            er station used to break down this energy and water, and a separate
            chemical factory taking in carbon from the air with substances sep-
            arated from water to produce nutrients. The lack of just one of the
            components making up this system, still not yet fully understood,
            would render it totally useless.
                 For example, energy cannot be absorbed without antennae.
            Without the electron chain, H O atoms could not be broken down.
            If the assistant pigments failed to share the high electrical burden,
            then intense energy levels would break down the entire structure
            to. The subject can be more clearly understood if we think of this
            structure as a factory and the electrical power station that runs it.

            The factory cannot produce anything without electricity, raw mate-
            rials and workers. Similarly, the lack of just one of these elements     HARUN YAHYA
            will rule out any possibility of photosynthesis at all. Neither would
            the components coming into being one by one be any use. Even if
            we assume for a moment that the very complex photosynthesis an-
            tennae did come into being by chance, clearly they would be una-         (ADNAN OKTAR)
            ble to transmit the trapped energy and be torn apart. The Turkish

            evolutionist Professor Ali Demirsoy comments:

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