Page 12 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 12

                                   I Introduction
                                  he evolution theory claims that living things came into being
                                  spontaneously as the result of chance. This theory has been
                          T widely accepted for over a century and espoused by scientists
                           with a vested interest in denying the existence of God and the fact of
                           creation. However, far from supporting the theory of evolution, scien-
                           tific evidence invalidates every aspect of this theory and points out the
                           several impasses that confront it. Over the past 20 years especially, re-
                            search in paleontology, biochemistry, population genetics, comparati-
                            ve anatomy, biophysics and many other branches of science have
                            shown that the appearance of life and the multitude of different speci-
                            es cannot possibly be explained by the mechanism of natural proces-
                            ses and blind chance—as Charles Darwin originally proposed.
                               Darwin, the originator of this theory, was an amateur observer of
                            nature. His idea was that all living things underwent changes and
                            evolved from one another in a step-by-step process. But the fossil re-
                            cord disproves his claim: In the fossils of once-living things, there
                            are no traces of the intermediate stages that Darwin imagined were
                            necessary to prove his theory. So far, there has been no discovery of
                            a reptile with vestigial wings or a fish with vestigial feet. On the con-
                            trary, every fossil that has been found shows that the living creature
                            it once was had been created perfectly, all at once.
                               Moreover, it is clear that mutations—the supposed means by
                            which evolution occurs—do not create the structural changes that
                            enable natural selection. Finally, all branches of science have stop-
                            ped trying to prove the theory of evolution. They can now demons-
                            trate that life has an extraordinarily complex creation that could not
                            possibly be the result of an infinite series of chances.
                               In spite of all this, evolution is still defended in certain quarters
                            for the sole purpose of supporting an ideology. Proponents of atheism
                           and materialism—and adherents of the distorted ideologies that arise
                           from these currents of thought, such as communism, fascism, and
                           rampant capitalism—claim, in so-called scientific support of their
                           adopted ideologies, that life was not created, but came to through an

                                                      THE EVOLUTION IMPASSE I
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