Page 17 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 17
(See Transitional form). Because Abo- Adaptation
riginals have slightly larger eyebrow
This is the ability that allows a cre-
protrusions, a more downwardly slanted
ature to survive and reproduce in its en-
jaw and a smaller brain volume than
Western peoples, they were thought to
No two members of the same species
be living examples of transitional speci-
resemble each other exactly. They will
es. In order to produce proofs of evoluti-
be of different sizes, colors and tempera-
on, evolutionist paleontologists together
ments. Because of this distinction, one
with fossil hunters who accepted the sa-
of them can adapt better to its environ-
me theory dug up Aboriginal graves and
ment, live longer and reproduce more
took skulls back to evolutionist muse-
successfully. This advantage is known as
ums in the West. Then they offered these
natural selection.
skulls to Western institutions and scho-
The theory of evolution gives an ad-
ols distributing them as the most solid
ded significance to the process of adap-
proof of evolution.
tation, claiming that under conditions
Later, when there were no graves
that favor continual adaptation, creatures
left, they started shooting Aboriginals in
undergo a change in species over time.
the attempt to find proof for their theory.
But this evolutionist claim—that
The skulls were taken, the bullet holes
changes in conditions lead to an evoluti-
filled in and, after chemical processes
on of species—is false. A species can
were used to make the skulls look old,
adapt to change in its environment only
they were sold to museums.
to the extent that its genetic potential al-
This inhuman treatment was legiti-
lows. If that genetic potential does not
mated in the name of the theory of evo-
allow for ready adaptation, then the spe-
lution. For example, in 1890, James Ber-
cies cannot adapt to changing conditions
nard, chairman of the Royal Society of
and does not survive. No species ever
Tasmania wrote: “the process of exter-
changes into a new one by adapting to
mination is an axiom of the law of evolu-
new conditions; it always remains a
tion and survival of the fittest.” Therefo-
member of the same species. (See Natu-
re, he concluded, there was no reason to
ral selection.)
suppose that “there had been any culpab-
le neglect” in the murder and disposses-
sion of the Aboriginal Australian. 5 AL 288-1
Today, Aboriginals are regarded as (The fossil record of Aus-
full Australian citizens, but many still tralopithecus afarensis)
suffer social, economic and political dis-
—See; The Lucy Deceit.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)