Page 20 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 20
The oldest fossils so far discovered are down the generations, and the unfit and
objects fossilized in minerals which be- weaker being eliminated. According to
long to blue-green algae, more than 3 the mechanism of natural selection
billion years old. No matter how primiti-
adopted by Darwinism, nature is an are-
ve they are, they still represent rather
na where living organisms fight to the
complicated and expertly organized death for a chance to survive and where
forms of life. 7
the weak are eliminated by the strong.
When we examine the structures that Therefore, according to this claim,
algae use to form their cell walls, we see every living thing has to be strong and
that these organisms are by no means ba- overcome others in all areas in order to
sic and primitive. The organic polyami- survive. Such an environment has no pla-
ne they use to produce their tissues is a ce for such concepts as altruism, self-sac-
complex chemical material, and to build rifice or cooperation, because these can
their cell walls, algae use the longest operate against the interests of each indi-
polyamine chain found in nature. vidual. For that reason, every living thing
As the algae go through the process must be as self-oriented as possible and
of photosynthesis together with complex think only of its own food, its own home,
chlorophyll, they also produce a yello- and its own protection and security.
wish-gold colored pigment called xant- In fact, however, nature is not solely
hophylls. These single-celled organisms an environment consisting solely of sel-
are fishes’ major source of Vitamin D fish and savage individuals in which
and have a complex structure designed every living things competes for survi-
for a special purpose. 8 val, and strives to eliminate or neutralize
Just as evolutionists have been unab- all others. On the contrary, nature is full
le to account for the origins of the first of examples of altruism and rational co-
cells, so they cannot explain how these operation, even when individuals risk
first plant cells gave rise to the first alga- death, the loss of their own interests.
e cells, whose complex structure is no Despite being an evolutionist him-
different from algae living today. self, Cemal Yildirim explains why Dar-
win and other evolutionists of his day
Altruism imagined nature to be solely a battlefield:
Since the majority of scientists in the 19 th
The mechanism of natural selection
century were confined to their work ro-
that Darwin proposed foresees stronger oms, studies or laboratories and did not
living things and those best adapting to go to examine nature directly, they were
the natural conditions in their geographi- easily taken in by the thesis that living
cal location surviving and continuing things were solely at war. Even such a