Page 22 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 22


               One would therefore expect it to eat its  ralize the weaker ones, and consume all
               young as food without a moment’s hesi-  the food resources for themselves. Yet
               tation, rather than protecting them.   events do not actually transpire as evolu-
                  Among other species, some mothers  tionists imagine.
               have to leave the community in which  In his book, the well-known evolu-
               they live until their young are weaned,  tionist Peter Kropotkin cites several
               and thus expose themselves to conside-  examples of this: In the event of a food
               rable risks. Some animal species care for  shortage, ants begin using the supplies
               their young for days, for months or even  they have stored. Birds migrate en masse
               years after they are born or hatched.  in search of food, and when too many
               They provide them with food, shelter  beavers start living in one pond, the yo-
               and warmth and protection from preda-  unger ones head north and the older ones
               tors. Many birds feed their young betwe-  south. 12
               en four and 20 times an hour throughout  As you can see, there is no ruthless
               the day.                            fight to the death for food or shelter
                  Among mammals, mothers face dif-  among these living things. On the con-
               ferent problems. They have to eat better  trary, even under the most difficult con-
               while suckling their young and must the-  ditions, excellent harmony and solidarity
               refore hunt for more food. Yet as the yo-  are shown. It is as if these creatures
               ung gain weight, the mother constantly  work to ameliorate existing conditions.
               loses it.                             However, one very important point
                  What one would expect an animal  needs to be borne in mind: These living
               devoid of consciousness to do is to aban-  things possess no rational mind with
               don its young after birth, because ani-  which to make decisions. There is there-
               mals cannot even conceive of what these  fore only one possible explanation for
               tiny creatures need. Yet they actually as-  the way in which determine a particular
               sume all the responsibility for their offs-  objective and work together to attain it,
               pring.                              even deciding on the soundest course for
                  Living things are altruistic not only  all members of the community—na-
               when it comes to protecting their young  mely, God’s creation.
               from danger. They have also been obser-  Confronted by these facts throughout
               ved to behave most considerately and  nature, evolutionists’ claim to the effect
               helpfully towards others of their kind in  that “Nature is a battleground, and the
               the community they live in. One examp-  selfish and those who protect their own
               le can be seen when nearby food sources  interests emerge victorious” is comple-
               decline. In that event, one might expect  tely invalidated.
               stronger animals to rise to the top, neut-  In the face of these features of living

                                                      THE EVOLUTION IMPASSE I
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