Page 13 - The Evolution Impasse 1
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infinite series of chance occurrences. Naturally, supporters of these
distorted ideologies are interested in defending at all costs every as-
pect of the theory of evolution.
Our previous books explain in detail how evolution is scientifi-
cally untenable; which groups disregard scientific facts to defend it
and for what ideological purposes; and how evolutionists—with no
basis in science or logic, no valid proof and no reliable evidence—try
to disguise and pervert the facts.
Some of these books include The Evolution Deceit, Darwinism
Refuted, The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions,
New Research Demolishes Evolution, The Error of the Evolution of
Species, A Definitive Reply To Evolutionist Propaganda, The Col-
lapse of the Theory of Evolution in 50 Themes, The Disasters Dar-
winism Brought to Humanity, and The Dark Spell of Darwinism.
The present encyclopedia has been compiled from these books, to
provide our readers with the most convenient way to access all in-
formation pertaining to evolution so that they will be able to assess
the truth about these matters. This way, readers will have in a prac-
tical format the most up-to-date and reliable information about all
the ideas and terms related to evolution as used in the press, maga-
zines, books, television programs and other published sources.
The book has been prepared in encyclopedia format with topics
listed alphabetically. Under each heading, the claims of evolutio-
nists are laid out, followed by an explanation of the scientific evi-
dence and discoveries that have invalidated these claims.
Ever-mounting scientific evidence and discoveries demonstrate
this unchanging reality: Contrary to what evolutionists believe, life
did not arise over time through a series of chance events. Today’s
science proves that every living species has been created according
to a perfect plan. The theory of evolution cannot even explain how
the first cell came into existence, let alone how a countless chain of li-
ving organisms evolved from one another. Every new discovery,
every newly excavated fossil delivers another blow to the theory. Evo-
lution as a hypothesis is dead and buried, and now science is free to
examine the incomparable proofs in creation of God’s perfect creati-
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)