Page 37 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 37
because such resistance genes are usu- code would have to be mapped, in the
ally in the form of tiny DNA particles way the human one has. Then the two
called transposons that can easily be ad- would have to be compared, to obtain
ded to other DNA molecules. the results. Yet no such results are yet
In such ways, a whole colony of re- available: While the human genetic map
sistant bacteria can be formed in a short has been completed, the chimpanzee
time from one resistant bacterium. This equivalent has not.
has nothing to do with evolution: The In fact, the “98% similarity between
genes that make bacteria resistant did human and ape genes” slogan was deli-
not develop through any process of mu- berately produced for propaganda pur-
tation. Only existing genes are distribu- poses many years ago. This “similarity”
ted among bacteria. is a highly exaggerated generalization,
based on a similarity in the amino acid
sequences in between 30 and 40 of the
Ape-Human Genetic Si- basic proteins present in man and ape.
milarity Falsehood, the
Sequence analysis of the DNA
Drawing up the human gene map strings corresponding to these proteins
within the framework of the Human Ge- was performed using a method known as
nome project was a major scientific de- “DNA hybridization.” and only these li-
velopment. However, evolutionist publi- mited proteins were compared.
cations have distorted a number of the Yet there are around 30,000 genes in
project’s results. It is claimed that the human beings and these genes encode
genes of chimpanzees and humans bear some 200,000 proteins. There is thus no
a 98% similarity and assumed that this scientific justification for claiming, on
shows their closeness, which is used as the basis of a similarity in 40 proteins
evidence for the theory of evolution. out of 200,000, any 98% resemblance
However, this is in fact a false proof between human and ape genetics.
that evolutionists exploit by making use The DNA comparison of those 40
of society’s lack of information on the proteins is also questionable. Two biolo-
subject. gists named Charles Sibley and Jon Ed-
First of all, the concept so frequently ward Ahlquist carried out the compari-
touted by evolutionists—that 98% simi- son in 1987 and published the results in
larity between human and chimpanzee the Journal of Molecular Evolution. 31
DNA—is a deceptive one. In order to However, another scientist by the name
claim that the genetic structures of hu- of Sarich examined their data and conc-
man beings and chimpanzees bear a 98% luded that they’d used a method of ques-
similarity, the entire chimpanzee genetic tionable reliability and had exaggera-
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)