Page 38 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 38
tedly interpreted the data. 32 yed by evolutionists were valid, then
Basic proteins are essential molecu- man would have a much closer relative
les commonly found in many other li- than the chimpanzee—the potato! Both
ving things. The structures of the prote- human beings and potatoes have exactly
ins in all living things, not just of chim- the same number of chromosomes: 46.
panzees, bear a close similarity to those These examples demonstrate that the
of proteins in human beings. concept of genetic similarity constitutes
For example, genetic analyses repor- no evidence for the theory of evolution.
ted in New Scientist revealed a 75% si- Not only are the genetic similarities in-
milarity between the DNA of nematodes compatible with the evolutionary family
(millimeter-long worms that dwell in the tree proposed, but they actually provide
soil) and humans! 33 This, of course, totally conflicting results.
does not imply that there is only a 25% In addition, the similarities discove-
difference between human beings and red are actually evidence for creation
nematodes. rather than for evolution. It is perfectly
When the genes of the fruit fly speci- natural for the bodies of humans and ot-
es Drosophila were compared with hu- her living things to exhibit molecular si-
man genes, a 60% similarity was deter- milarities, because all living things are
mined. 34 made up of the same molecules, use the
Analyses of some proteins seem to same water and atmosphere, and consu-
show that man is actually closer to very me foods made up of the same molecu-
different living things. In one study per- les. Naturally, their metabolisms—and
formed at Cambridge University, certain thus, their genetic structures—will tend
proteins in terrestrial organisms were to resemble one another. However, this
compared. Astonishingly, in almost all is no evidence that they evolved from a
the specimens involved, human beings common ancestor.
and chickens were found to bear the clo- Another example will help elucidate
sest relationship to one another. Our next this: All the buildings in the world are
closest relative is the lizard. 35 constructed from similar materials—
Another example used by evolutio- bricks, iron, cement, and so forth. But
nists with regard to the so-called “gene- this does not imply that these buildings
tic similarity between man and ape” is evolved from one another. They were bu-
that there are 46 chromosomes in human ilt independently, using common materi-
beings and 48 in gorillas. Evolutionists als. The same principle applies to living
assume that chromosome numbers are things.
an indication of an evolutionary relati- Apart from the superficial similarity
onship. But in fact, if this logic emplo- between human beings and apes, there is
no question of their being closer to each