Page 69 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 69
from a common ancestor, makes frequ- verse based on other elements.
ent use of the concept of adaptation. Carbon is the sixth element in the pe-
Evolutionists claim that by adapting to riodic table. Its atoms are the basis of li-
their environments, living things deve- fe on Earth because all basic organic
lop into entirely new species. In fact, the molecules (such as amino acids, proteins
concept of evolution through adaptation and nucleic acids) form as the result of
is a hangover from the primitive scienti- carbon atoms combining with certain ot-
fic understanding of Lamarck’s day and her atoms in particular ways. Carbon
has long since been refuted by scientific forms the various types of protein in our
findings. (See Adaptation) bodies by combining with hydrogen,
However, despite having no scienti- oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. No
fic basis, the idea of adaptation still inf- other element can replace carbon, becau-
luences most people. When told that the se no other element has the ability to ma-
Earth is a special planet for life, they im- ke so many unlimited types of chemical
mediately assume that since life emer- bonds.
ged under the conditions on such a pla- Therefore, if there is to be life on any
net, so other forms of life could develop other planet in the universe, it will inevi-
on other planets. Science-fiction writers tably have to be carbon-based life. 75
imagine, for example, that while human In addition, carbon-based life has a
beings live on Earth, there could be li- number of immutable laws. For examp-
ving things on the planet Pluto that pers- le, carbon-based organic compounds
pire at -238°C degrees, that breathe heli- (proteins) can only exist in a specific
um instead of oxygen, or that drink sulp- temperature range. Above 120 degrees
huric acid instead of water. Celsius, they begin to break down, and
Yet such imaginative ideas are actu- at temperatures below -20 degrees they
ally based on ignorance. Evolutionists begin to freeze. Other factors such as
with knowledge of biology and bioche- light, gravity, atmospheric make-up and
mistry do not actually support such fan- magnetic forces must all fall within nar-
tasies, since they are well aware that life row and specific ranges in order to per-
can exist only with specific elements and mit carbon-based life.
when specific conditions are established. The Earth possesses just those nar-
The adaptation error in question is row and specific ranges. If any one of
also the result of such ignorance. The these is exceeded—if the Earth’s surface
only model of life with any scientific va- temperature exceeds 120 degrees, for
lidity is that of carbon-based life, and example—then life on this planet will be
scientists have concluded that there can- impossible.
not be any other physical life in the uni- Life can exist only when very special
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)