Page 73 - The Evolution Impasse 1
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materialist, Hoyle stated that there was cure point in the whole study of the evo-
no difference between a living cell co- lution of organisms. 78
ming into being by chance and a Boeing The cell is the building block of any
747 jet spontaneously assembling itself living organism. Therefore, it is impos-
when a whirlwind hit a scrap yard. 77 In sible for a theory—which cannot even
short, it is not possible for a cell to form explain the emergence of the proteins
spontaneously, as the result of coinci- and amino acids that comprise the cell—
dence. to account for the appearance of living
One of the main reasons why the the- things on Earth. On the contrary, the cell
ory of evolution cannot explain how the constitutes one of the clearest pieces of
cell came into being is the irreducible evidence that all organisms, including
complexity it possesses. (See Irreducib- human beings, are created.
le Complexity.) A cell thrives through Yet evolutionists still manage that li-
the its large number of organelles all ving things emerged by chance in the
working together in harmony. It cannot most uncontrolled environment possib-
survive in the absence of any one of the- le—that existed on the primeval Earth.
se. The cell cannot wait for such uncons- This claim can never agree with the sci-
cious mechanisms as mutation and natu- entific facts. In addition, even the simp-
ral selection to develop it. Therefore, the lest mathematical calculations have pro-
first cell to appear on Earth must have
ven that chance cannot give rise to even
been fully formed, together with all the one of the millions of proteins in cells,
organelles and biochemical functions es- let alone to a cell in its entirety. This
sential for its survival. shows that the theory of evolution, far
In the human body, there are more
from being rational and logical, is a col-
than 100 trillion cells, some of them so
lection of scenarios based on imaginati-
small that a million of them would cover on, fantasy and implication.
only the tip of a needle. However, biolo- Despite holding evolutionist views,
gists unanimously agree that, despite its
the zoologist David E. Green and the bi-
minute size, the cell is the most complex
ochemist Prof. Robert F. Goldberger ha-
structure that science has yet confronted. ve this to say in a paper in a scientific jo-
The cell, continuing to harbor a great urnal:
many unresolved mysteries, represents
The popular conception of primitive cells
one of the major dilemmas facing the
as the starting point for the origin of the
theory of evolution. The well-known
species is really erroneous. There was
Russian evolutionist A. I. Oparin says:
nothing functionally primitive about such
Unfortunately, however, the problem of cells. They contained basically the same
the origin of cell is perhaps the most obs- biochemical equipment as do their mo-
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)