Page 75 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 75


               The continuity of any human’s life  regarding the synthesis of the amino
            depends on the harmonious functio-  acids that gave rise to life in the sup-
            ning of the components of the cells  posedly primitive atmospheric conditi-
            and of those cells with one another.  ons are as chemical evolution. (See
            Even while the cell works together  Primordial soup fantasy, the) Before
            with other cells in great order, it also  they move on to scenarios about the
            maintains its own life in a state of and  evolution of living things, evolutio-
            a delicate equilibrium. The cell identi-  nists must first account for the forma-
            fies and produces a great many subs-  tion of DNA nucleotides and amino
            tances, including the energy necessary  acids, the building blocks of life. Ac-
            for its survival and to maintain that or-  cording to their claims, which are ba-
            der and equilibrium. Those of its ne-  sed on no evidence whatsoever, simple
            eds it cannot meet by itself, it selects  compounds containing carbon, oxy-
            very carefully from the outside—so  gen, nitrogen and phosphorus were
            selectively that none of the random  dissolved in water and then exposed to
            substances in the external environ-  a constant bombardment of ultraviolet
            ment can enter by chance without the  rays and lightning, thus giving rise to
            cell’s permission to do so. There are  different compounds. These small mo-
            no aimless, unnecessary molecules in  lecules, supposedly produced by chan-
            the cell. Their controlled exit from the  ce, subsequently bonded chemically,
            cell also takes place as the result of  thus increasingly enriching their
            strict monitoring.                complex combinations. Eventually, it
               In addition, the cell possesses a de-  is suggested that the water turned into
            fense system to protect it from all ex-  a thick soup containing new forms of
            ternal threats and attack. Despite all  molecules in copious amounts. If one
            the structures and systems it contains  waits long enough, it was said, even
            and the countless activities that take  the most unlikely reactions will take
            place in it, an average cell is not the si-  place. 80
            ze of a small city, but just 1/100 milli-  Yet none of these hypotheses are
            meters in diameter. Each of the cell’s  supported by any scientific findings.
            functions listed above is a miracle in  Indeed, evolutionists themselves ad-
            its own right. (See DNA.)         mitted that their account is actually a
                                              hypothesis which can never be proven.
                                              To suggest that these claims, which
            Chemical Evolution                cannot be verified or duplicated even
            Deception, the
                                              under present-day conditions, , actu-
               Evolutionists refer to all the claims  ally came about spontaneously as the

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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