Page 71 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 71


           hing—or even a single leaf.         materials brought in from the outside,
                                               and cell-membrane proteins that regulate
                                               the entry and departure of various mate-
           Cell                                rials from the cell. And this is only a part

              The complex structure of the cell  of the cell’s complex structure.
           was unknown in Darwin’s time. For that  The evolutionist scientist W. H.
           reason, evolutionists of the day believed  Thorpe writes, “The most elementary
           that it was perfectly reasonable to ans-  type of cell constitutes a 'mechanism'
           wer the question of “How did life emer-  unimaginably more complex than any
           ge?” by saying “Through coincidences  machine yet thought up, let alone cons-
           and natural events.” Darwin suggested  tructed, by man.”  76
           that the first cell would have had no tro-  So complex is the cell that even to-
           uble forming in a                   day’s advanced technology cannot dupli-
           small, warm                                     cate one. All the research
           drop of water.                                   aimed at making an ar-
           (See The Abi-                                       tificial cell has en-
           ogenesis View,                                       ded in failure. The
           the) But the fact                                    theory of evoluti-
           is that 20 -cen-                                      on, on the other
           tury technology, which                                 hand, maintains
           made visible even to                                  that this sys-
           the tiniest microscopic                               tem—which man
           details, revealed that                               has been unable to
           the cell was actually                                  replicate with all
           the most complex                                       the knowledge
           structure yet encoun-                                  and technology
           tered. Today  we                                       at his dispo-
           know that the cell                                     sal—once for-
           contains energy-producing plants, facto-              med by chance
           ries that produce the enzymes and hor-  on the primeval Earth. This is far less li-
           mones essential to life, a data bank con-  kely, for instance, than even an explosi-
           taining all the information about the pro-  on in a publishing house resulting in the
           ducts to be manufactured, a complex  coincidental printing of an encyclopedia.
           transportation system that carries raw  The British mathematician and astro-
           materials and products from one region  nomer Sir Fred Hoyle offered a similar
           to another, pipelines, advanced laborato-  analogy in the 12 November 1981 editi-
           ries and refineries that break down raw  on of Nature magazine. Despite being a

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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