Page 77 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 77


           ponent of evolution, describes coacerva-  However, some circles who have tur-
           tes as blobs of organic matter (mostly  ned evolution into an ideological slogan
           containing sugars and short polypepti-  continue to portray coacervates as major
           des), supposedly the precursors of mo-  evidence for evolution in their publicati-
           dern cells. 81  At one time evolutionists  ons, without admitting the slightest sci-
           maintained that coacervates were the fo-  entific doubt on the matter. As always,
           rerunners of the cell, and that proteins  their aim is to portray the theory of evo-
           emerged as a result of the evolution of  lution as backed by extensive scientific
           coacervates. However, this claim, devo-  evidence and to deceive those who lack
           id of any scientific evidence—was later  detailed information about the subject
           abandoned as invalid by even the evolu-  about and the means to investigate it.
           tionists themselves.
              Even the simplest looking organism
           has energy producing and transforming
           mechanisms for its own survival, as well  The Coelacanth is a species of fish
           as complex genetic mechanisms to ensu-  that used to be put forward as evidence
           re the survival of the species concerned.  for vertebrates’ “transition from water to
           Coacervates, however, are simple collec-  land” thesis. Fossil Coelacanths were
           tions of molecules lacking any such sys-  once regarded as evidence of an interme-
           tems and mechanisms. Their structures  diate form between fish and amphibians.
           are prone to be broken down by even the  Based on fossil remains of the creature,
           slightest natural effects. It is totally uns-  evolutionist biologists suggested it con-
           cientific to claim that they gradually and  tained a primitive (and not yet fully
           spontaneously came to life by develo-  functional) lung in its body.
           ping such complex systems.            This organ was described in a great
              One evolutionist reference describes  many scientific sources. Drawings were
           how coacervates cannot represent the  even published showing the Coelacanth
           basis of life:                      moving from the sea onto dry land.
                                                 On 22 December 1938, however, a
              Droplets with metabolism such as coacer-
                                               most significant discovery was made in
              vate cannot of course be regarded as li-
                                               the Indian Ocean. A living member of
              ving. Because they lack two fundamental
                                               the species Latimeria, a member of the
              characteristics as inheritance and mutati-
                                               Coelacanth species that had been portra-
              on. In addition, the primitive cell, in other
                                               yed as having become extinct 70 million
              words the protobiont, cannot be regarded
              as a pre-formative stage. Because the  years ago, was caught in the open sea!
              substances used in these droplets are for-  The discovery of a living Coelacanth de-
              med from present-day organisms. 82  finitely came as a major shock to evolu-

           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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