Page 81 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 81


              ons. Actually, without this cold trap, the  the result—according to evolutionists—
              chemical products would be destroyed by  that they all evolved from a common fo-
              the energy source (electrical spar-  rerunner, namely the first fish assumed
              king). 87
                                               to have survived on land.
              In Miller’s previous experiments, in  The theory of evolution has domina-
           fact, he had used the same materials, but  ted the world of science since the late
           had failed to obtain even a single amino  19th century, and its interpretation of si-
           acid without setting up a cold trap mec-  milarities has also been widely accepted.
           hanism.                             Every similarity in living things is inter-
              Miller’s aim was to obtain amino  preted as evidence of some “ancestral”
           acids, and the methods and equipment  evolutionary relationship between them.
           he employed were specially arranged in  Yet findings obtained over the last 20
           order to achieve that objective. Above  to 30 years show that this is not at all the
           all, however, even if we postulate the  case. To summarize:
           existence of intelligence capable of en-  1) Homologous (similar) organs are
           suring such a method, order and arrange-  found in living things belonging to to-
           ment in the primitive atmosphere, this  tally different classes, among which evo-
           conflicts with the theory of evolution’s  lutionists can construct no evolutionary
           own logic.                          link.
                                                 2) The genetic codes of these ani-
                                               mals’ similar organs are entirely diffe-
           Comedy of Life from                 rent.
           Space, the                            3) The stages of embryological deve-

              See Inconsequence of Panspermia  lopment of these organs are very diffe-
           hypothesis.                         rent.
                                                 These facts alone show that homo-
                                               logy constitutes no evidence for evoluti-
            “Common Ancestor”                  on.
           Fallacy, the                          Indeed, it has been realized that li-

                                               ving things with similar organs are so far
              This interpretation was put forward
                                               apart from one another genetically that
           by Darwin and repeated by all the evolu-
                                               no evolutionary links can be found bet-
           tionists who followed him. According to
                                               ween them.
           this claim, living things have similar or-
                                                 In order for Darwin’s “common an-
           gans because they evolved from one
                                               cestor” explanation to be true, these si-
           common ancestor. For example, the fact
                                               milarities in living things would have to
           that all vertebrate land dwellers have fi-
                                               be genetically very close to one another.
           ve digits at the end of their four limbs is
           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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