Page 85 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 85
sed by means of conjugation. However, urse, is proof of creation.
since no separate bacterial cell emerges One such calculation was performed
as a result, this mechanism cannot be re- by Robert Shapiro, a professor of che-
garded as sexual reproduction. 91 (Bac- mistry and DNA expert from the Univer-
terial reproduction by way of mutual sity of New York. An evolutionist, Sha-
contact is known as sexual reproduction piro calculated the probability of the
with conjugation.) 2.000 varieties of protein in a simple
Evolutionists, however, do regard bacterium having emerged by chance.
these newly emerging genetic variations (There are some 200.000 varieties of
as a universal feature of sexual repro- protein in the human body.) The result
duction. Since the initial bacteria have he obtained was 1 in 10 40.000 92 This
different characteristics from those that figure, 1 followed by 40.000 zeroes, has
emerge subsequently, evolutionists take no equivalent in the entire universe.
this as evidence for evolution. In fact, The fact revealed by this figure is
what is happening here is actually vari- that materialism, and Darwinism, its co-
ation. The genes from the two bacteria unterpart in the natural sciences—both
do give rise to further variety, but no of which seek to account for life in terms
new genes or genetic data are added to of chance, are equally invalid. Chandra
the genetic pool. As a result, the bacteria Wickramasinghe, Professor of Applied
remain the same species of bacteria, and Mathematics and Astronomy at Cardiff
no new subspecies emerges. University, says this about Shapiro’s cal-
Creationism The likelihood of the spontaneous forma-
tion of life from inanimate matter is one
The question of the origin of life—of to a number with 40,000 noughts after it.
how the first living things came into . . . It is big enough to bury Darwin and
existence on Earth—was one of the the whole theory of evolution. There was
no primeval soup, neither on this planet
greatest dilemmas confronting materia-
nor on any other, and if the beginnings of
lism for the last 150 years. That is be-
life were not random, they must therefore
cause the cell, once regarded as the
have been the product of purposeful in-
simplest component of any organism, 93
actually possesses a complexity incom-
On the same subject, the famous as-
parably greater that any technology pro-
tronomer Sir Fred Hoyle made this com-
duced by humans. Probability calculati-
ons prove that not even proteins, the bu-
ilding blocks of the cell, could ever have . . . such a theory [that life was assemb-
come into being by chance. This, of co- led by an intelligence] is so obvious that
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)