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               mediate forms at all, and between them  fraud. (See Piltdown Man Fraud, the;
               and amphibians there exist enormous  Nebraska Man Fraud, the and Nean-
               fundamental anatomical and physiologi-  derthal: A Human Race.)
               cal differences. Despite all the research  For example, the Neanderthals (Ho-
               that has been conducted, not a single  mo neandertalis), which evolutionists
               fossil has ever been found to fill this  suggest were a transitional species bet-
               gap. 97   (See Transition from water to  ween apes and human beings, were actu-
               land thesis, the.)                  ally human, as their genus name implies.
                                                   They emerged suddenly in Europe
                                                   100,000 years ago, and disappeared, qu-
               Cultural Evolution                  ickly and silently, some 35,000 years
               Myth, the                           ago, or else were assimilated into other

                  Paralleling their hypothesized biolo-  human races. The only difference betwe-
               gical evolution, evolutionists also sug-  en them and modern human beings is
               gest that mankind has undergone a cultu-  that their skeletons were rather more
               ral progression from the primitive to the  massive and their average skull volumes
               more advanced. They relate a great  were slightly larger.
               many narratives of no scientific validity  Today, almost everyone agrees that
               in line with human evolution, which  the Neanderthals were a human race. For
               consists of no more than an imaginary  a long time, some evolutionist paleoant-
               family tree, and conjectures about the li-  hropologists regarded these human be-
               ves of people in the Paleolithic, Mesolit-  ings as a primitive species, although sci-
               hic and Neolithic ages.             entific findings have shown that Nean-
                  The idea of human evolution is to-  derthal Man was no different from the
               tally fictional: In order for such a family  stockier humans who can be seen wal-
               tree to exist, apes must have gradually  king the streets today.
               evolved into human beings, and the rele-  The University of New Mexico pale-
               vant fossils should have been found. But  oanthropologist Erik Trinkhaus, regar-
               in fact, there is a clear gulf between apes  ded as an eminent authority on the sub-
               and man. Features such as their skeletal  ject, writes:
               structures, skull sizes, and walking on  Detailed comparisons of Neanderthal
               two legs or four, clearly distinguish apes  skeletal remains with those of modern
               from human beings. It is now recognized  humans have shown that there is nothing
               that the supposedly intermediate forms  in Neanderthal anatomy that conclusi-
               between ape and man proposed by evo-  vely indicates locomotor, manipulative,
                                                     intellectual, or linguistic abilities inferi-
               lutionists (Australopithecus, Homo habi-
                                                     or to those of modern humans. 98
               lis, H. erectus, etc.) are simply biased in-
               terpretations, distortions and outright  Nonetheless, evolutionists still des-

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