Page 93 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 93


             complete wings to be completed through  fossils and thus identified the remains of
             minute mutations.                  extinct life forms. Since Cuvier believed
                                                that animals possessed certain fixed and
                                                natural characteristics, he thus opposed
             Cuvier, Georges                    both the theory of evolution and La-

                The French scientist Georges Cuvier  marck’s theory that “species could pass
             (1769-1832), now regarded as the foun-  on to their offspring characteristics that
             der of paleontology, was at the same ti-  they had acquired during their lives.”
             me a geologist and comparative anato-
             mist. He conducted wide-ranging rese-
             arch into the zoology and paleontology
             of vertebrates and invertebrates and wro-
             te about the history of science. At the sa-  Professor Ali Demirsoy, a leading
             me time, Cuvier definitively revealed  proponent of evolution in Turkey, has
             that some organisms that had existed in  this to say about cytochrome-C, one of
             the past had become extinct and accoun-  the proteins which must be present in the
             ted for this in a way diametrically oppo-  body and which is essential for respirati-
             sed to the theory of evolution. 105   on, and the chances of its coming into
                Moreover, Cuvier grouped relevant  being by chance: “as low as those of a
             classes into phyla and thus broadened  monkey sitting at a typewriter and wri-
             Linnaeus’s classification. (See Linnaeus,  ting the history of mankind.”  107
             Carolus.) He also applied this system to  Yet it is extremely interesting that Pro-
                                                fessor Demirsoy, an evolutionist scientist,
                                                  should admit the impossibility of this:

                                                   The probability of forming a cytochrome-
                                                   C string is so low as to be zero. In other
                                                   words, we may say that if life requires a
                                                   specific sequence there is a very low pro-
                                                   bability of this occurring once in the
                                                   whole universe. Or else supernatural for-
                                                   ces that we cannot define played a role in
                                                   this formation. It is incompatible with
                                                   science to admit the latter possibility,
                                                   which means we need to investigate the
                                                   first hypothesis. 108
                                                    Many evolutionists prefer the im-
                                                  possibility in the above example over
                      G Georges Cuvier r

                                                  accepting supernatural forces—in ot-
                                                  her words, creation by God.
             Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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