Page 88 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 88
resent a distinct human race that either be- (See Invalidity of Micro-evolution the;
came extinct or was assimilated by inter- Macro-evolution Myth, the.)
breeding with other races. The biologist Edward S. Deevey Jr.
describes how crossing-over takes place
within specific genetic bounds:
This is the term for the exchange of Some remarkable things have been done
genes during cell division among similar by cross-breeding . . . but wheat is still
(homologous) chromosomes from the wheat, and not, for instance, grapefruit.
mother and father. Homologous chromo- We can no more grow wings on pigs than
somes make non-sibling chromatids spi- hens can make cylindrical eggs. A more
ral. Gene exchange takes place where contemporary example is the average in-
the two chromosomes touch one another. crease in male height that has occurred
the past century. Through better health
Crossing-over leads to a change in the
care, males have reached a record adult
chromosome gene sequence. Thanks to
height during the last century, but the in-
this phenomenon, genetic variations ari-
crease is rapidly disappearing, indica-
se in living things, which in turn lead to
ting that we have reached our limit. 96
intra-species variation. However, there is
In short, such research into plants and
no question of one species changing into
animals merely gives rise to certain chan-
ges within the genetic information of a
Crossing-over makes for variation
species. No new genetic information is
within a given species. Exchange of
ever added. No matter how much you in-
single or paired components takes place
terbreed different types of dogs, cows or
between similar chromosomes during
horses, the result will still be dogs, cows
crossing-over. Since this will give the
or horses. No new species will emerge.
chromosomes new combinations of ge-
nes, offspring can possibly display cha-
racteristics that do not exist in either of
their parents.
This is an example of a typical variati- The theory of evolution hypothesizes
on. Genes already present in the mother that quadrupeds (four-footed life forms)
and father are brought together, and new evolved from fish. But in fact, this claim
combinations formed. But contrary to is inconsistent, both physiologically and
what evolutionists would have us believe, anatomically, and has no basis in the fossil
there can be no question, of a new species record. If water-dwelling creatures acqui-
emerging. Therefore, the examples of va- red characteristics appropriate to dry land,
riation proposed by evolutionists actually which evolutionists supposed happened
constitute no evidence at all for evolution. by chance, it would give no advantage to