Page 87 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 87
unbelievably complex structure and de-
sign in the DNA molecule. (See DNA.)
DNA is found in the nucleus of each
of the 100 trillion cells in the body, con-
taining the flawless blueprint for the hu-
man body.
Francis Crick had spent years defen-
ding the theory of molecular evolution.
But after his discovery of DNA, even he
admitted that it was impossible for such
a complex molecules to come into being
by chance, spontaneously, as the result
of a process of evolution:
A A Cro-Magnon skull l l
An honest man, armed with all the
knowledge available to us now, could
only state that, in some sense, the origin
of life appears at the moment to be al- sed on this resemblance, Cro-Magnon is
most a miracle. 95
estimated to be an ancient race that origi-
nated in Africa. Certain other paleontolo-
gical findings show that Cro-Magnon
Cro-Magnon Man and Neanderthal men interbred and for-
The Cro-Magnon classification was med the basis of certain races alive to-
given to a European race of humans esti- day. In addition, it is agreed that ethnic
mated to have lived around 30,000 years groups resembling Cro-Magnon Man are
ago. They had a dome-shaped skull and a still alive today in various regions of Af-
broad forehead. Their skull volume of rica and in the Salute and Dordogne regi-
1,600-cubic centimeters is actually grea- ons of France. Humans with the same
ter than the average skull volume of mo- characteristics have also been encounte-
dern humans. On account of the thick red in Poland and Hungary.
eyebrow protrusions on its skull and All this goes to show that Cro-Magnon
another bony protrusion on the back of man is not, claim, the evolutionary ances-
the head, Cro-Magnon Man was propo- tor of human beings living today, as evolu-
sed as an intermediate form. tionists suppose. The differences between
However, the volume and structure the fossils and modern Europeans are no
of the Cro-Magnon skull are very similar greater than that between an Eskimo and
to those of certain human races living to- an African or between a pigmy and a Eu-
day in Africa and in tropical climes. Ba- ropean. In conclusion, Cro-Magnons rep-
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)