Page 82 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 82


               Conversely, if such similarities are gene-  which is why they resemble one another.
               tically far apart, then the possibility of  Today’s scientific findings demons-
               any common ancestor is not tenable. On  trate that the claim of common ancestry
               the contrary, it can be seen that the fact  regarding similar organs is invalid, and
               of creation is the true explanation. (See  that the only possible explanation is
               Common creation, below.) No evolu-  common creation.
               tionary relationship can be claimed bet-
               ween living things that are genetically so
                                                   Communism and
               very different from one another. (See
                                                     Communism, elevated to its highest
                                                   point in the 19th century by the two Ger-
               Common creation
                                                   man philosophers Karl Marx and Fried-
                  Similar organs or similar molecular  rich Engels, led to such bloodshed as to
               structures in living things provide no sup-  dwarf even the state massacres of the Na-
               port for the theory that they are evolved  zis and Imperialist nations. (See Marx,
               from any common forerunner. (See Ho-  Karl.) Even though communism is gene-
               mologous organs.) On the contrary, these  rally agreed to have collapsed in 1991,
               similarities refute the possibility of con-  this dark ideology still continues to influ-
               jecturing any hierarchical evolutionary fa-  ence people, and its materialist philo-
               mily trees among living things. If one  sophy turns them away from religion.
               comparison of proteins suggests that hu-  This ideology caused a wave of glo-
               man beings are similar to chickens; and  bal terror in the 20th century, but actu-
               another comparison, similar to the nema-  ally represents a stream of thought that’s
               tode worms; in, and a third analysis to  been around since ancient times. Mate-
               crocodiles, then it cannot be proposed that  rialism was a philosophy that regarded
               these living things evolved from one anot-  matter as all that exists. Communism
               her—or from any other common ancestor.  was base in turn constructed upon that
                  Scientists such as Carolus Linnaeus  philosophy, and first made its appearan-
               or Richard Owen, who both first raised  ce in the 19 th  century.
               the subject of similar organs in living  Marx and Engels, communism’s in-
               things, regarded such organs as examples  tellectual founders, sought to describe
               of common creation. (See Linnaeus, Ca-  materialist philosophy in terms of a met-
               rolus) In other words, similar organs did  hod known as Dialectics (which see)
               not evolve by chance from any shared fo-  Marx maintained that the entire history
               rerunner. Quite the contrary; they were  of humanity was one of conflict, that on-
               created to perform similar functions,  going struggle of his time was between

                                                      THE EVOLUTION IMPASSE I
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