Page 91 - The Evolution Impasse 1
P. 91
cribe Neanderthals as a subspecies of needle, is exceedingly straight and has a
modern man, suggesting that they pos- hole for a thread to be passed through. 101
sessed a more primitive cultural level. People who possess clothing of such a
Fossil findings, however, show that kind as to require sewing needles cannot,
contrary to what evolutionists claim, Ne- of course, be regarded as primitive.
anderthal Man actually had an advanced Steven L. Kuhn, a professor of ant-
culture. One of the most interesting hropology and archaeology at University
examples of this is a fossilized whistle of New Mexico, and Mary C. Stiner—
made by Neanderthals from the thigh despite being proponents of evolution—
bone of a bear, and found in a cave in said that their research and analysis re-
northern Yugoslavia in July 1995 by the vealed that Neanderthals who lived
archaeologist Ivan Turk. thousands of years ago in caves on the
Later on, the musicologist Bob Fink southeast coast of Italy engaged in acti-
analyzed this whistle, whose age of vities requiring complex thought like
which is thought to be between 43,000 that of modern human beings. 102
and 67,000 years according to carbon-14 Margaret Conkey of the University
dating results. He determined that this of California describes how implements
instrument produced four different no- belonging to periods before the Nean-
tes, with both full and semi-tones. derthals were made by conscious, intelli-
This discovery shows that Neandert- gent communities:
hals used the seven-note scale, which If you look at the things archaic humans
now represents the basis of Western mu- made with their hands, Levallois cores
sic. Fink stated that the distance between and so on, that's not a bumbling kind of
the first and third holes was twice that thing. They had an appreciation of the
between the third and fourth. “These material they were working with, an un-
three notes . . . are inescapably diatonic derstanding of their world. 103
and will sound like a near-perfect fit wit- All this proves that the cultural “evo-
hin any kind of standard diatonic sca- lution” proposed by evolutionists is ut-
le,” 99 wrote Fink, adding that Nean- terly groundless.
derthals had a musical ear and musical
Other fossil findings show that the Cursorial Theory, the
Neanderthals buried their dead, cared for
This is one of the two main explana-
the sick, and wore necklaces and similar
tions proposed by evolutionists as to
adornments. 100
how terrestrial reptiles began to fly. Ac-
During the course of excavations, a
cording to this theory, reptiles took to
26,000-year-old needle made out of bone
the air vertically, by hopping from the
by Neanderthal Man was discovered. This
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)