Page 72 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 72

- He is the One "Who has no partner in His Kingdom
             and Who needs no one to protect Him out of weakness."
             (Surat al-Isra’, 111)
                 - He is the One "Who created the heavens and Earth and
             was not wearied by creating them." (Surat al-Ahqaf, 33)
                 - "He has not given birth and was not born." (Surat al-
             Ikhlas, 3)
                 - "Everything in the heavens and on Earth, and every-
             thing in between them and under the ground, belongs to
             Him." (Surah Ta Ha, 6)
                 - "It is We Who give life and cause to die, and We are
             the Inheritor." (Surat al-Hijr, 23)

                 73. How is Allah’s attribute of Al-Fattah

                 Allah manifests this attribute by being "the One Who re-
             solves difficulties." The verse "… Allah desires ease for
             you; He does not desire difficulty for you…" (Surat al-
             Baqara, 185) points out this attribute by stating that He will
             make things easy for His servants who seek refuge with
             Him, will help and support them by sending His serenity
             and peace down upon them, and will increase their resolu-
             tion so that their stance will remain firm. He informs people
             that He will not impose upon them any more than they can
             stand, and promises to support them with His help if they
             show steadfastness for Him despite the difficulties that they
             face. In addition, He states that "For truly with hardship
             comes ease" (Surat al-Inshirah, 5) to let people know that He
             will deliver ease after difficulties.

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