Page 73 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 73

74. How is Allah’s attribute of ash-Shafi`i

                 Ash-Shafi`i means "the One Who heals." Just as Allah
             creates the illness, only He can remove it and heal the per-
             son. Allah has created many medical treatments and medi-
             cines; however, these are effective only if Allah wills them to
             be effective. No doctor or treatment can heal a person on its
             own. Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) words, as narrated in the
             Qur’an, express this fact: "and when I am ill, He heals me."
             (Surat ash-Shu`ara’, 80)

                 75. How is Allah’s attribute of
                 al-Mundhir manifested?
                 Al-Mundhir means "the One Who warns." Allah informs
             humanity of what is right and wrong through the books of
             truth that He sends down, and warns of the punishment of
             Hell in the Hereafter. The Qur’an was revealed for the fol-
             lowing reason: "This is a communication to be transmitted
             to mankind so that they may be warned by it, so that they
             will know that He is One God, and so that people of intel-
             ligence will pay heed." (Surah Ibrahim, 52) Allah sent a
             Messenger to every nation throughout history for the same
                 The Qur’an relates that the Prophets show people the
             right path, warn them against Allah’s punishment, and give
             them the glad tidings of Paradise:

                 Messengers bringing good news and giving warning,
                 so that people will have no argument against Allah
                 after the coming of the Messengers. Allah is Almighty,
                 All-Wise. (Surat an-Nisa’, 165)
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