Page 74 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 74

76. What are the characteristics that

                 earn Allah’s good pleasure?
                 Prophet Shu`ayb’s (as) words, "Ask your Lord for forgive-
             ness and then repent to Him. My Lord is Most Merciful,
             Most Loving," (Surah Hud, 90) informs us that he reminds his
             people of Allah’s love. Anyone who believes in Allah, stands
             in awe of Him, meticulously fulfills the Qur’an’s commands,
             and strives for the Hereafter with all due respect may expect to
             earn His love and good pleasure. Some of the verses that in-
             form us of whom Allah loves are as follows:
                 "... And do good: Allah loves good-doers." (Surat al-
                 Baqara, 195)

                 "… And be even-handed. Allah loves those who are even-
                 handed." (Surat al-Hujurat, 9)
                 "No, the truth is if people honor their contracts and are in
                 awe of Him, Allah loves those who guard against evil."
                 (Surah Al `Imran, 76)

                 "… Allah loves the steadfast." (Surah Al `Imran, 146)
                 "… Allah loves those who put their trust in Him." (Surah
                 Al `Imran, 159)

                 "… Allah loves those who purify themselves." (Surat at-
                 Tawba, 108)
                 "… Allah loves the righteous." (Surat at-Tawba, 7)

                 "Allah loves those who fight in His Way in ranks like
                 well-built walls." (Surat as-Saff, 4)

                 77. What characteristics displease Allah?
                 Some of the verses related to this subject are as follows:
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79