Page 79 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 79

they shape the nest. They ensure that the females lay their
             eggs in the tunnel that they construct in the nest, and under-
             take the total care of the eggs. The male’s duties include re-
             pairing the nest, waving the water in order to provide the
             eggs with oxygen, keeping watch, and protecting the eggs.
                 Many similar examples are observed in nature.
             Explaining the emergence of these behaviors in terms of
             evolutionary mechanisms is impossible. Therefore, evolu-
             tionists cannot answer the question of how such features
             emerged. Dr. Cemal Yildirim, an evolutionist professor, ac-
             knowledges that such behaviors as a mother’s love for her
             offspring cannot be explained by evolutionary mechanisms.
             He states:
                 How could the love of the mother to her young be ex-
                 plained by a "blind" mechanism (that is natural selec-
                 tion) which does not include any psychological element?
                 One can hardly say that biologists (and Darwinists) pro-
                 vide satisfactory answers to such questions. (Cemal
                 Yildirim,  Evrim Kurami ve Bagnazlik (The Evolution
                 Theory and Bigotry), Istanbul: Bilgi Publications, 1989,
                 p. 185)

                 81. Why are such behaviors as altruism

                 among living things a significant, unsolved
                 problem to the theory of evolution?

                 Altruism and other cooperative behaviors of living be-
             ings clearly reveal that the theory of evolution is invalid.
             The actual reason for this is natural selection, the mecha-
             nism upon which Darwin based this theory. According to

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