Page 80 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 80

this mechanism, those living things that are better adapted
             to their habitat will survive, whereas those that are unfit and
             weak will be eliminated. Thus there is no room for coopera-
             tion, only competition between organisms. However, we see
             that nature is not an environment in which only the strong
             survives and where a merciless struggle for existence contin-
                 All living beings hunt in order to survive, and fight to
             protect themselves. Apart from this, however, many organ-
             isms also practice unselfish concern to protect their offspring
             or risk their own lives for the safety of the larger population.
             Nature provides us with many examples of different species
             defending the interests of each other.
                 Since the theory of evolution argues that nature is merely
             a battleground, it cannot explain such altruistic behaviors.
             For example, the evolutionists cannot explain why the
             watcher bird in a flock, who cries out when a predator ap-
             proaches, risks its own life, or why another bird species at-
             tracts the enemy toward itself by faking an injury in order to
             divert it from its own offspring. Such behavior invalidates
             the theory of evolution and provides evidence for Allah’s
             creation of living things.

                 82. Why is natural selection invalid?
                 Natural selection is a process resulting in the selection of
             an advantageous change (either structural or behavioral)
             from others and being permanent in this being and thus
             being transferred to subsequent generations. This claim
             makes several very important points that need to be ana-
             lyzed further. First of all, this thesis attempts to present na-

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