Page 84 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 84

are separated from one another in a system similar to the
             valvular muscular system of human heart. When the beetle
             senses danger, it contracts the muscles in the storage chamber
             and simultaneously relaxes the connection muscles separating
             this chamber from the explosion chamber. This causes the
             valve in between to open, which allows the secreted chemical
             mixture to enter the explosion chamber and mix with the cata-
             lyst enzymes that will trigger the explosion. At that very mo-
             ment, the valve of the explosion chamber shuts off. Hydrogen
             peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen and, interacting
             with hydroquinone, the oxygen produces more water and
             quinone, an irritating chemical. This interaction engenders a
             blistering heat and, when the chemical substance reaches the
             boiling point, the mixture is squirted with pressure through a
             special channel in the beetle’s hind section. Thus the beetle
             scalds its enemy with quinone, a poisonous chemical sub-
                 This chain reaction, which takes place within the beetle’s
             body, occurs in the blink of an eye. It has to operate perfectly,
             for any fault in the system would cause the beetle to die, either
             by its enemy or by exploding. Briefly, in order for this defense
             system to operate, all parts of the system must exist simultane-
             ously and be complete. To put it in another way, it must have
             been created.

                 86. Is a living thing’s ability to treat its own
                 diseases, as the evolutionists argue, a trait

                 developed by chance?
                 Let’s consider the following example. When a bezoar
             goat is bitten by a snake, it eats a plant of the genus euphor-
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