Page 88 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 88

under normal conditions, oxygen in the air has a destructive
             effect upon organic substances. Land-dwelling creatures
             have systems that were designed specifically to protect them
             from this effect, whereas water moss, which dwells under
             water, does not have the necessary enzymes to protect itself
             from oxygen’s negative effects. Given this fact, how could it
             protect itself while on land? Needless to say, it cannot wait
             for this system to develop over great stretches of time.
             Without it, it will soon wither, decay, and die.
                 As seen, water moss cannot possibly make the transition
             from water to land and then live on land. In order to live on
             land like a land-dwelling plant, it has to acquire many mech-
             anisms instantaneously. One can easily conclude that a sea-
             dwelling plant cannot evolve into a land-dwelling plant, no
             matter how many years pass or what the conditions are.
                 To sum up, the theory of evolution, which asserts that
             life came into being as a result of countless coincidences, is
             nothing but an unreasoning superstition. The fact is that
             Allah created all living beings.

                     They said, "Glory be to You! We have no
                   knowledge except what You have taught us.
                     You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise."

                                (Surat al-Baqara, 32)

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