Page 86 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 86

claim that as a result of this starvation, bacteria transformed
             themselves into much more advanced beings and started
             photosynthesis, a process that is still not fully understood
             even today and has never been successfully imitated.
                 Plants could not possibly have evolved from bacteria, for
             bacterium cells and plant cells are quite different from each
             other. One merely has to examine the DNA structures to see
             how different they are. For example, a DNA molecule in a
             plant cell is packed with a double layered membrane,
             whereas that of bacterium cell is free within the cell. There
             are few proteins in the DNA of a bacterium cell, whereas the
             DNA of a plant cell is attached to proteins from one end to
             the other. A DNA molecule in a bacterium cell has the infor-
             mation of a single cell, whereas the DNA in a plant cell has
             the information of the whole plant.
                 Bacteria have no organelles, while a plant cell has many
             organelles, each of which possesses quite complex struc-
             tures. The evolutionists are aware of this fact, and Professor
             Ali Demirsoy, a well-known evolutionist scientist, acknowl-
             edges it quite frankly, as follows:

                 Complex cells have never come into existence by means
                 of developing from primitive cells in the evolutionary
                 process. (Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim (Inheritance and
                 Evolution), Ankara: Meteksan Publishing Co., 1984, p.

                 88. Evolutionists claim that water moss
                 evolved into land plants. Is this claim true?
                 This claim, like all others, is baseless. They claim that the
             sea’s tides caused water moss to hang on the shores, where
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