Page 85 - Quick Grasp of Faith 3
P. 85

bia, such as spurge, and thus counteracts the snake venom
             thanks to the euphorbone in the plant’s sap. Interestingly,
             the animal does not even taste spurges during its usual daily
             grazing. This implies that these bezoar goats know the
             spurge’s chemical structure and that it will heal them if they
             are bitten by a snake. How did the goat acquire this knowl-
             edge? Of course, a goat cannot eat all available herbage
             when bitten by a snake, hoping to find, by trial and error,
             which plant will cure it. So how does it know which plant
             will counteract the snake’s venom and how to treat itself?
             Who teaches it this knowledge? There is only one answer to
             these questions. These goats act by the inspiration of Allah,
             as do all other beings in the world. Allah is the One Who re-
             veals how they should behave.

                 87. The evolutionists argue that a primitive
                 bacterium cell started photosynthesis as a

                 result of natural conditions and evolved into
                 plants over time. Is such an assertion even

                 possible, or could such a complex process
                 have come about by chance?

                 The evolutionists argue that primitive bacteria started
             photosynthesis due to food requirements. However, this ar-
             gument is simply impossible, for although all living things
             can go without food for various amounts of time, the in-
             evitable end of a living being that cannot find food is death.
             The evolutionists’ claims, when joined with this fact, give
             rise to an interesting question: How could an organism de-
             prived of food survive for millions of years? Moreover, they
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