Page 338 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 338


                   Blavatsky did not base her spiritual evolution theory on natural selection or
                   coincidental developments. She was speaking of a master plan for the evolv-
                   ing universe, according to which the next step in evolution would bring
                   about the golden age, thus giving people hope.” 143

                   There is no doubt that these doctrines consist of totally fictitious
               tales devoid of any rational foundation. In the same way that living
               things never evolved physically, neither did they ever undergo spiritu-
               al evolution. Allah created man with earthly desires and a conscience
               with which to avoid earthly temptations. Someone who heeds the voice
               of his conscience is always on the right path that Allah will find pleas-

               ing. But everyone who is deaf to the voice of his conscience is suffering
               a grave loss. Human beings come to Earth only once, as Allah breathes
               His spirit into them, and they die as the time ordained for them in this
               world comes to an end. But after death, the life of the hereafter that will
               last for all eternity begins. It is impossible for anyone who has died to
               come back to this world.
                   As Alan Morrison states, the lie of spiritual evolution became the
               inspiration for sworn Darwinists like Chardin and Bergson and fanati-
               cal enemies of religion like Nietzsche. John Carlo Rosales, a Christian
               researcher, defines this perverse movement’s central doctrine in his

               work entitled “A Closer Look at the New Age Movement” as follows:
                   “In the modern sense, theosophy is a modern Gnostic movement which at-
                   tempts a synthesis of religious, philosophical, and scientific insights drawn
                   from many traditions, but primarily from Hindu philosophy and occult sci-
                   ences. We find Theosophists denying fundamental Christian concepts about
                   the nature of God and the soul… The evolution of the soul is a fundamental
                   doctrine of the Society.

                   … Evolution, in the theosophic sense, is a process of self-realization or man-
                   ifestation carried on by the Cosmic Life by means of repeated incarnations.

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