Page 340 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 340
sight and hearts. What little thanks you show! (Surat as-Sajda: 9)
Your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to create a human being
out of clay. When I have formed him and breathed My Spirit into
him, fall down in prostration to him!” So the angels prostrated, all
of them together, (Surah Sâd: 71-73)
Allah Who created the whole universe from nothing gave man a
breath of His own soul. Man is the only being with a soul in nature. He
has conscience, has willpower, can think, speak, imagine, decide, com-
pare, love, enjoy and be happy. All these are the features of his “soul”
and not his body which is a mass of flesh and bone. On death, the soul
leaves the dimension in which man lives, transcending to another di-
mension leaving his body behind. Whilst the dead body decays and
disintegrates, the soul begins a new existence. Therefore the soul does
not evolve or attain another “sacred status” as people of heretical be-
liefs claim. (Surely Allah is beyond that)
When Blavatsky died in 1891, another admirer of Hinduism be-
came the leader of the Theosophical society who was also keenly inter-
ested in sorcery, the occult sciences and psychic experimentation.
Annie Besant was well known for her atheist identity and her speeches
on the subject. 145 She was on the one hand working on the theosophi-
cal sciences and writing “fantastic” books and on the other, she led the
society to focus on the lie of spiritual evolution and metaphysical dis-
ciplines. 146 Even today, her works are some of the most widely read
books by those who follow these heretical beliefs and adopt a way of
life dedicated to sorcery and other nonsensical activities.
Besant fervently defended Hinduism, an irrational and idolatrous
religion that can be easily recognized as such by anyone capable of ra-
tional thought. She participated in the Indian independence movement
by founding the Central Hindu College and in 1916 the Indian Home
Islam And Far Eastern Religions