Page 362 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 362


               coupled with some reason, is sufficient to recognize the futility of such
               teachings. In the face of the threat posed by these false beliefs people of
               faith have an important role to play here: they must teach Allah’s cer-

               tain existence and the morality of religion. In order to curb the influ-
               ence of the New Age propaganda, the message of Allah’s infinite pow-
               er and might must be delivered to all people and they must be invited
               to faith. If Islamic morality is explained well, and all the goodness de-
               rived from a life dedicated to the cause of our Lord is demonstrated,
               people will not heed the call of false spiritualism.
                   The evolution theory has played a significant role in the develop-
               ment of the New Age movement. Most of the followers of the New Age
               movement acknowledge Theilard de Chardin as their spiritual leader.
               Theilard was a paleontologist who played a major role in the history of
               the evolution theory. He was also one of the key figures in one of the
               greatest ever “science” fraud scandals recorded by history: the
               Piltdown man. 157  The following words are sufficient to explain the de-
               gree of his allegiance to Darwinism:

                   “(Evolution) is a general postulate to
                   which all theories, all hypotheses, all
                   systems must henceforward bow
                   and which they must satisfy in
                   order to be thinkable and true.
                   Evolution is a light which illu-
                   minates all facts, a trajectory
                   which all lines of thought must
                   follow.” 158
                    His own words bear testimo-
               ny to the fact that Theillard de      The Darwinist paleontologist de
               Chardin was one of the most dog-   Chardin, one of the founders of the
                                                               New Age movement

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