Page 363 - Islam and Far Eastern Religions
P. 363


             matic advocates of the evolution theory ever. He swallowed and per-
             petuated the lie that man has not only a physical evolution, but a spir-
             itual evolution as well. He imagined that once man has supposedly

             evolved enough socially, he will attain a state of spiritual perfection.
             This state he called the “omega point”.
                  Besides Theillard, many other evolutionists like Julian Huxley and
             Theodosius Dobzhansky are counted among New Age ideologues.
             Dobzhansky’s erroneous idea that “whilst
             the evolution process gave rise to man, it
             became the first only time its own con-
             sciousness in the history of the uni-
             verse” this a frequently used expres-
             sion by New Age advocates. The
             geneticist, Francisco Ayala said the
             following after Dobzhansky:

                  “Dobzhansky was a religious
                  man, although he apparently re-
                  jected fundamental beliefs of tradi-
                  tional religion, such as the exis-
                  tence of a personal God ....
                  Dobzhansky held that in man, biolog-
                  ical evolution has transcended itself in-
                                                   Theodosius Dobzhansky, one of
                  to the realm of self-awareness and cul-  the proponents of the deception
                  ture. He believed that mankind would  of psychological evolution
                  eventually evolve into higher levels of
                  harmony and creativity.” 159
                  Countless scientific findings have proved that this irrational belief
             of Dobzhansky's is untrue. We have seen that the New Age movement
             focuses on the life on earth and places man at the center of everything.

                                  Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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