Page 28 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 28

genes are set out in a very complicated order. In the fundamental genetic
              hierarchy there are genes charged with carrying out functions that are
              repeated: making haemoglobin, hair growth, or the production of
              digestive enzymes for instance. There are "ordering" genes placed over
              these worker molecules. These make the worker molecules work, and also
              stop them from doing so. For example, they stop the haemoglobin gene
              from functioning during childhood. There is a series of "main controls"
              over both the workers and "middle management." Their decisions affect
              dozens, even hundreds of sub-units. These genes are so vital that it can be
              fatal if they are damaged during the embryo stage.
                   That is a fact that requires careful consideration. Genes are molecules

              made up of atoms. So, how did these molecules set up such an ordered
              organization amongst themselves? How is it that a molecule can take the
              decision to halt someone's growth and relay that decision to other genes,
              so that they may receive, obey and implement it? Who set up that
              discipline? Furthermore, trillions of genes have been flawlessly carrying
              out the same functions for millions of years, with the same discipline,
              obedience, intelligence and consciousness.
                   To claim that such a system emerged by coincidence is utterly
              specious. There is no doubt that it is God, the Lord, who programs the
              genes so cleverly and perfectly.

                   DNA Challenges Coincidence

                   Today mathematics has proved that coincidence does not play a role
              in the formation of the coded information within DNA. Let alone the
              DNA molecule made up of millions of base pairs, the probability of the
              coincidental formation of even a single gene out of the 200,000 genes
              making up DNA is so low that even the word "impossible" hardly
              expresses it. Frank Salisbury, an evolutionist biologist, makes the
              following statement about this "impossibility:"
                   Amedium protein might include about 300 amino acids. The DNA gene
                   controlling this would have about 1,000 nucleotides in its chain. Since there

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