Page 30 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 30

following scientific opinion in a
                                                   book he wrote after testifying to
                                                     the miraculous structure of
                                                      DNA: "An honest man, armed
                                                      with all the knowledge
                                                      available to us now, could
                                                      only state that, in some sense,
                                                      the origin of life appears at the
                                                     moment to be almost a
                                                   miracle."  4  Even in Crick's view,
                                                who was one of the biggest experts
                                               on DNA, life could never originate on
              Human cells contain 46 chromosomes,  earth spontaneously.
              in 23 pairs. Each pair is responsible for
                                                   When we consider the sensitive
              certain activities in the body.  Any
                                               order and balances in the data inside
              defect in the chromosome pairs results
              in irreparable damage.           DNA, it becomes even clearer how it
                                               is impossible for them to have come
              about by chance. The data in DNA, which is made up of 3 billion letters,
              is composed of a special and meaningful sequence of the letters A-T-G-C.
              However, not even a single letter should be misplaced in this sequence. A
              misspelled word or a single letter error in an encyclopaedia may be
              overlooked and ignored. It would not even be noticed. However, even a
              single mistake in any base pair of DNA, such as a miscoded letter in the 1
              billion 719 million 348 thousand 632nd base pair, would cause terrible
              results for the cell, and therefore for the person himself. For instance,
              haemophilia (leukaemia) is the outcome of such an erroneous coding.
              There are several hereditary diseases that are caused by various disorders
              in genetic make-up. The only reason for these potentially very threatening
              diseases is that one or a few of the millions of letters in the genetic code
              are in the wrong place. Mongolism, or Down's Syndrome, is quite
              widespread. It is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the
              21st chromosome pair in every cell. Another example is Huntington's
              Disease. The sufferer is quite healthy up to 35, but then uncontrollable

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