Page 34 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 34
are produced. In every phase of the
operation, expert proteins called
"enzymes" that function like advanced
robots take part. Though it seems
simple at first sight, the intermediary
processes taking place throughout this
operation are so many and so
complicated that to describe the whole
event in detail would take pages.
One thing must not be forgotten
here. The enzymes that form as a result
of atoms coming together examine one
Thanks to the information within DNA, half of the DNA spiral, identify those
the proteins that undertake countless
parts that are missing, take the missing
tasks in our bodies are produced with
all the features they need. parts from the appropriate places and
add them where needed. In this way,
the copying of DNA comes about. The way that tiny unconscious,
unreasoning structures can flawlessly carry out such complex processes,
that require consciousness, knowledge and reason is not to be glossed
over by just reading about them. There are important truths revealed here
that need to be considered.
A special enzyme,
called telomerase
directs the
replication of
telomeres. Telomere
is the end of a
chromosome, which
consists of repeated
sequences of DNA
that perform the
function of ensuring
that each cycle of
DNA replication has
been completed.
32 The Miracle of Creation in DNA