Page 19 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 19
pretations or exaggerated inferences with reference to, say, the law of
gravity, the rotation of the globe, or laws of thermodynamics. These
are scientific facts which are readily accepted, yet no one makes such
excessive claims about Newton, Einstein or any other scientist. No
one calls the law of gravity a "convincing belief," and no one says of
the laws of thermodynamics, "I would rather lose my right hand than
begin a sentence with the phrase 'If it is true...'"
However, the style of the evolutionists is quite different. By what
these people say, they give the impression that they have sworn an
oath to protect their religion under all circumstances. Therefore, they
need not follow scientific method or employ scientific discourse. They
make no reference to any experiment or finding but merely use words
with metaphysical connotations. If the words are scrutinized, an
interesting picture emerges: "evolutionary dogma!," "scientific faith!,"
"a convincing faith!," "man's world view today!," "method of
dissemination!," "the whole of reality!," "a light which illuminates all
facts!," "metaphysical belief!," "a metaphysical research program!," "an
orbit that every system of thought must follow!"...
If evolutionary literature is examined further, one will encounter
many more examples of the religious nature of this belief and see that
it looks at every social and psychological phenomenon from the point
of view of the theory of evolution. L.C. Birch, a biologist from the
University of Sydney, and P.R. Ehrlich, a biologist from Stanford
University, describe the evolutionary dogma this way:
Our theory of evolution has become... one which cannot be refuted
by any possible observation. Every conceivable observation can be
fitted into it. It is thus "outside of empirical science" but not
necessarily false. No one can think of ways in which to test it.
Ideas either without basis or based on a few laboratory
experiments carried out in extremely simplified systems have
attained currency far beyond their validity. They have become
part of an evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of
our training. 9