Page 21 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 21


                                               this would not affect the theory
                                               of evolution, because fossils,
                                               Archaeopteryx    and    other
                                               transitional forms are necessary
                                               only to explain the process. 11

                                                    In other words, this author
                                               says that "even if we found no
                                               fossil remains, we would keep our
                                               belief in evolution."  Although for
                                               Darwin this matter was an
                                               important criterion for the validity
                                               of his theory, the fact that this
       The latest discoveries in the field of
                                               writer can put it aside and
       paleontology have definitively proven that
       Archaeopteryx was not a transitional form  maintain his belief in evolution, in
       but a bird fully capable of flight. However,
                                               any case, is interesting.  It proves
       evolutionists have not abandoned their
                                               the point that Darwinism is a
       theory despite the fact that all its so-called
       proofs, such as Archaeopteryx, have been  dogmatic belief which disregards
       invalidated by scientific discoveries.
                                               scientific criteria.

            An Intellectual Tyranny

                 The sweet-sounding words of the evolutionists quoted above
            place them in an illusionary rank above the adherents of all other
            religions.  According to their warped thinking, evolution is the only
            "objective truth," and evolutionists, emboldened by this illusion, call
            upon other religions to submit to evolutionist understanding.  If other
            religions accept evolution and the theories it proposes, they will be
            allowed to exist as "moral doctrines."  One of the most famous names
            of the neo-Darwinist school, George Gaylord Simpson, expresses it
            this way:
                 Of course there are some beliefs still current, labeled as religious
                 and involved in religious emotions, that are flatly incompatible
                 with evolution and therefore are intellectually untenable in spite of
                 their emotional appeal.  Nevertheless, I take it as now self-evident,

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