Page 20 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 20


              Modern Evolutionists Are More Rigid Than Darwin

                   The dogmatic stance of modern evolutionists is even more rigid
              than that of Darwin himself. When Darwin proposed this theory, he
              left room for the possibility that he could have made a mistake.  In his

              book The Origin of Species, he often began his expositions with the
              words, "If my theory be true."  In his investigations it can be seen that
              Darwin accepted certain scientific criteria and proposed some ways
              his theory could be examined.  For example, he wrote about the fossil
                   If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking
                   most closely all of the species of the same group together must
                   assuredly have existed...  Consequently, evidence of their former
                   existence could be found only amongst fossil remains. 10
                   The numberless intermediate varieties mentioned by Darwin
              have never been found, and today many evolutionist paleontologists
              have had to concede this.  When taking into account Darwin's
              condition for "if my theory be true," his theory must be rejected.  If he
              were alive today, perhaps Darwin would have abandoned his theory
              for this very reason.
                   But modern evolutionists display extraordinary indifference and
              bigotry regarding this matter.  In one of Turkey's most prominent
              evolutionist magazines,  Bilim ve Utopya (Science and Utopia), an
              article appeared by Dr. Umit Sayin, who is recognized as the nation's
              leading expert on evolution.  With regard to the intermediate forms
              about which Darwin said, "If my theory be true... evidence of their
              former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains," Dr.
              Sayin writes:

                   The fact that  Archaeopteryx was a flying dinosaur has little
                   importance with regard to the correctness or validity of the theory
                   of evolution.  Even if no transitional fossil were found, the theory
                   of evolution would not be affected...  suppose that we have found
                   no fossil yet; this shows that all intermediate forms have been lost
                   and dispersed in nature.  Let's say that every fossil is a hoax! Even

                              THE RELIGION OF DARWINISM
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