Page 26 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 26
The study of comparative religion shows that a large number of
superstitious religions have been influenced by one another, and
many similarities can be detected in their beliefs and doctrines. The
ancient pagan religions of Greece and Mesopotamia formed the basis
of many modern religions which adopted their beliefs and doctrines.
One superstitious religion that grew out of them is the religion of
There are many similarities between Darwinism and other
superstitious religions regarding their understanding of the formation
of the universe and of living things and in their general beliefs and
doctrines. Contrary to what a large number of people believe,
Darwinism is not an established scientific theory based on facts,
observation and experiment but merely a rationalistic attempt, based
on a non-scientific foundation, to explain the universe. In the course
of this book Darwinism will be compared with other manmade
religions with regard to its origins, its founder, its scripture, its
understanding of the world, and its missionary activities.
There is No Difference Between Darwinism and
Other Manmade Religions
Darwinism did not begin with the theory established by the
amateur observations and investigations of Charles Darwin and other
scientists in the 19th century. Its origins go back to much earlier
materialist philosophies. Darwinist beliefs were first encountered a
few thousand years ago in the polytheistic and materialistic religions
of Greece and Sumeria. Therefore, Charles Darwin was not the first
person to put forward the idea of evolution; he was an amateur
researcher who traced the main outlines of this basic belief, gave form
to its doctrines, and later established a theory.
The inscriptions of pagan Sumeria, which deny AllŒh and assert