Page 31 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 31
answer they can give is no different from that given by religions of
centuries ago. During the period in which Darwinism developed,
false beliefs about the formation of living things were already
prevalent; flies came from sweat, frogs from mud, and ants from
One of these nonsensical beliefs is that of the "hopeful monster" –
the strangest theory in the history of evolution. Due to the fact that the
hoped-for transitional fossil forms had not been found, some
evolutionists were under a good deal of pressure. So they decided
that there was no need for transitional forms because the transition
from one species to another had happened suddenly. Consequently,
they proposed the theory of the hopeful monster. According to this
theory, the formation of living things is no different from the claim
that ants came from sugar. The first bird emerged suddenly from a
reptile egg; later, in the same way, another bird came by chance from
another egg. These two birds came together, and a bird family formed.
A similar theory, proposed by Charles Darwin, is that bears who spent
much time in water changed into whales in the course of time.
However, today's scientific facts clearly demonstrate how unscientific
and deceptive is this claim. 21
The Same Pagan Understanding Continues
One of the salient characteristics of pagan religions is the
attribution of power to lifeless statues and other objects of wood or
stone, which cannot speak or have any strength. Yet people expect
favor from them and even believe that these lifeless idols created the
universe and all living things, that they set the whole universe in
motion, that they supply the needs of mankind and grant health and
blessing. Interestingly, similar beliefs can be seen among modern
evolutionists. As the pagans of ages past believed that lifeless statues