Page 32 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 32
had power to create, evolutionists believe that lifeless
matter composed of unconscious atoms has
creative power. They claim that lifeless
materials came together by coincidence,
organized themselves and formed
living beings with flawless, highly
complex characteristics. Most
prominent among idols is
one that has changed only
in name since ancient
Just as
times – "nature" or
regard lifeless "Mother Nature."
matter as the Tornadoes, earth-
creator of living
quakes and floods are
things, pagans
worshipped attributed to "the anger of
statues carved Mother Nature" or are seen
from stone.
as "expressions of nature,"
but no one has any
explanation for this power that is called "nature." This same belief
was present in societies of the past but under a different name. In
Greek mythology Mother Nature was called "Gaia" and in pagan
religions was known as the goddess of plenty. What evolutionists
have done is simply to change the names and symbols, attributing the
same power to unconscious atoms.
Actually, evolutionists admit this openly. An evolutionist
scientist by the name of James Lovelock proposed what is known as
the "Gaia theory" according to which the planet earth is a living thing.
This is an example showing that what the evolutionists put forward
as "theory" is the beliefs of classical pagan religions.
To believe in the creative power of coincidence, inanimate matter
or unconscious atoms is certainly a travesty of reason. Just as the
pagans believed that lifeless idols created existing things, so
evolutionists believe that lifeless material formed living things. The