Page 27 - The Religion of Darwinism
P. 27


                           that living things came to be through an evolutionary
                            process, form the backbone of the religion of
                              Darwinism. 17   When Sumerian inscriptions were
                                 examined, they revealed a legend stating that first
                                      there was a watery chaos and out of that two
                                       gods emerged:  Lahmu and Lahamu.
                                       According to this belief, the two gods first
                                        created themselves, and later as they
                                       evolved, brought other material and living
                                       things into existence.  In other words, life
                                                             appeared all at once
                                                             from the lifeless,
                                                             watery chaos.  The
                                                             evolutionists' belief
                                                              that living things
                                                              first formed from

                                              From the earliest ages there have been pagan
                                              peoples.  In every era human beings have
                                              made idols for themselves.  In the same way
                                              that Darwinists accept coincidence and
         lifeless matter as idols with creative power, in earlier societies with a misguided belief,
         similar things were worshipped as idols.
         Top left:  A Sumerian tablet describing the stages, according to their superstitious belief, in
         the creation of human beings upon the order of the water god.
         Top right:  Hammurabi praying before the Mesopotamian sun god.
         Bottom:  Representations of the Sumerian water gods.

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