Page 32 - Love in the Gospel
P. 32
Dear friends, let us love one other—and all the more as you
another, for love comes from see the Day approaching. (He-
God. Everyone who loves... brews, 10:24-25)
knows God. Whoever does not
Keep on loving one another as
love does not know God, be-
brothers and sisters. Do not
cause God is love... Dear
forget to show hospitality to
friends, since God so loved us,
strangers, for by so doing some
we also ought to love one an-
people have shown hospitality
other. (1 John, 4:7-11)
to angels without knowing it.
Greet one another with a kiss (Hebrews, 13:1-2)
of love. (1 Peter, 5:14)
Therefore, if you have... any
And let us consider how we tenderness and compassion,
LOVE IN THE GOSPEL ward love and good deeds, not being like-minded, having the
then make my joy complete by
may spur one another on to-
giving up meeting together, as
same love, being one in spirit
and of one mind. (Philippians,
some are in the habit of doing,
but encouraging one an-