Page 29 - Love in the Gospel
P. 29

ever claims to live in God [in  for all his holy people [those
              accordance with God's ap-       who devoted themselves to
              proval] must live as Jesus did.  God] and your faith in Jesus
              (1 John, 2:5-6)                 [as a Prophet of God]. (Phile-

                                              mon, 1:4-5)
              [Jesus:] "... No, God Himself
              loves you because you have      We always thank God... when

              loved me..." (John, 16:27)      we pray for you, because we
                                              have heard of your faith in Je-
              If you love me, keep my com-
                                              sus [as a Prophet of God] and
              mands [for earning the pleas-
                                              of the love you have for all
              ure of God]... Whoever has my
                                              God's people [those who de-
              commands and keeps them
                                              voted themselves to God].
              [for the sake of God] is the one
                                              (Colossians, 1:3-4)
              who loves me. The one who
              loves me will be loved by God,  Though you have not seen him
              and I too will love them..."  ........................................................................... [Jesus], you love him; and even
              (John, 14:15, 21)               though you do not see him,
                                              you... are filled with an inex-
              Jesus replied, "Anyone who
                                              pressible and glorious joy. (1
              loves me will obey my teach-
                                              Peter, 1:8)
              ing. My God will love them...
              Anyone who does not love me
              will not obey my teaching.
              These words you hear are not                                    ADNAN OKTAR (HARUN YAHYA)
              my own; they belong to God
              Who sent me."  (John, 14:23-

              ... I always thank my God as I
              remember you in my prayers,
              because I hear about your love                                  27
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